Sunday, August 3, 2014

Finding Nearest Meetinghouse in LDS Tools

A recently-added feature to the LDS Tools app allows members to find the nearest meetinghouse.  For this feature to work, you must have an active Internet connection.
  1. In the LDS Tools app . . .

    Tap on the menu icon in the upper left.
  2. The menu will appear.

    Tap on Meetinghouses.
  3. A progress wheel will spin while the app determines your location.

  4. A map will display your current location and any nearby meetinghouses.  You may need to zoom out to find a meetinghouse (place two fingers on the screen and move them together.)

    Tap on a the meetinghouse icon.
  5. The map will re-center on the meetinghouse and display its address in a balloon.

    Tap on the information balloon.
  6. A list will show the wards or branches meeting at that location, along with their Sacrament Meeting times.

    Tap on ward or branch.
  7. Additional details about the ward will appear.

    The Schedule section will show the start times for both Sacrament Meeting and the first meeting of the block (for those wards that hold Sacrament Meeting last.)
  8. To find meetinghouses at a different location, tap search icon along the top of the screen.

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