Monday, April 27, 2015

Recording Home & Visiting Teaching Statistics on LCR

  1. Go to:

    Or on . . .

    Click on My Account and Ward . . .

    Then from the drop-down, select Leader and Clerk Resources.
  2. Log in with your account.

  3. If you have more than one calling, you may see a drop-down list to the left of the stake's name.

    Select your Home or Visiting Teaching calling.

  4. From the Organizations menu, select Home & Visiting Teaching.

  5. Statistics for the last year will display.

    On the Quorum / Auxiliary drop-down, select your organization.
  6. To view assignments . . .

    Click on either the Households or Companionships tabs on the left side.
  7. In the Companionship view . . .

    To record visits, check the appropriate boxes.  There is no Save button on the page;  all changes are recorded immediately.

    To edit an assignment, click the Edit button.

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